August 20, 2004

Newspapers' digital editions not yet successful
Vin Crosbie continues campaigning against the waste of money occured by newspapers websites and digital editions. This time (see former postings in February), he gives a few circulation figures for some US newspapers' digital editions:
USA Today 900 self-reported (0.05 percent of the total weekday print circulation of 2,154,539).
The New York Times 3,172 ABC-audited (0.28 percent of 1,118,565).
The Washington Post 424 ABC (0.06 percent of 732,904).
Boston Globe 321 self-reported (0.03 percent of 452,109).
Arkansas Democrat Gazette 3,418 s-r (1.8 percent of 187,601).
His conclusion:
With one expection, none of those newspapers have been able to signup a number of digital edition subscribers equal to one-tenths of one percent of that newspaper's print circulation

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